Techlab Kids, scientific workshops for children age 2 and above

Techlab Kids Robot with The Little Voyager

If you are looking for creative and scientific orientated workshops for your kids there is a great place in the neighbourhood of Sarría.

TechLab Kids mainly offers Robotics and STEAM classes (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) with the purpose to motivate children to participate actively in creative processes that are related to technology.

Since 2012 the founders of Techlab have offered classes and workshops at their own centre in Sarria, as well as in schools and other institutions in and around Barcelona.

Techlab Kids Robot with The Little Voyager

Besides the regular weekly classes they offer, during school holidays they put on special, interesting workshops for kids. This Thursday, on December 7th, there are still some free spots for their workshop on stop motion animation. The class will help kids create a short, stop motion movie which they can use to surprise their family members for Christmas. The kids will feel like cinema directors for the day!

The workshop starts at 9am and ends at 4pm with lunch included. It costs 50 Euros. Recommended age is 4 to 16 years and the project will be adapted to each childs interest and abilities.

During Christmas holidays there will be several other workshops offered from December 27-29 and January 2-5 which can be viewed on their website.

Techlab Kids Robot with The Little Voyager
If you are interested to sign up or wish to read more about what they do, please visit their website or contact them directly:


Phone: 93 418 8652
Mobile: 618 788 253